Periodically, Elmore County representatives provide updates regarding the County’s water development efforts to local leaders and members of the public at Water Advisory Group meetings. The next meeting will take place on _____. All meetings are held at the Farm Bureau building at 1010 Sunset Strip in Mountain Home. If you are interested in learning more about the County’s efforts, please attend the next meeting.
The Mountain Home Plateau Aquifer, extending westward across southern Elmore County into Ada County, provides municipal supply to the City of Mountain Home and Mountain Home Air Force Base, along with irrigation, commercial, domestic and industrial supplies to farms, dairies, and other businesses in Elmore County.
In addition to groundwater from the aquifer, other water supplies on the Mountain Home Plateau are Snake River water pumped for irrigation of farms, Little Camas Reservoir water conveyed to the area by the Mountain Home Irrigation District from the South Fork Boise River watershed, and water from creeks that flow onto the Plateau from the Danskin Mountains and Bennett Hills.
Snake River at CJ Strike Reservoir
Groundwater levels in the Mountain Home Plateau Aquifer have been declining in portions of the County for more than 40 years, prompting declaration of the Cinder Cone Butte Critical Groundwater Area in 1981 and the Mountain Home Ground Water Management Area in 1982.
The water table has fallen 100 feet or more in some locations. The decline in aquifer water levels threatens the existing economy and for many years has been a severe constraint on economic growth. Without some sort of action, wells will continue to go dry and existing water uses will be curtailed.
The Elmore County Commissioners recently conducted a survey to understand the community’s current understanding of the water issues in the region and the level of support for potential solutions. More than 1,145 people participated in the survey between March through December of 2023. You can view the community’s responses in the two reports below.
Management and administration of groundwater on the Mountain Home Plateau is influenced by four designated areas.
The Cinder Cone Butte area was declared a CGWA on May 7, 1981 because of declining groundwater levels. New groundwater appropriations are not allowed in the Cinder Cone Butte CGWA.
Cinder Cone Butte CGWA Hydrographs March 2016
1981 Order Establishing Cinder Cone Butte CGWA
Following the Cinder Cone Butte CGWA declaration, a study was conducted to evaluate the entire Mountain Home area. As a result of that study, the Mountain Home GWMA (which surrounds the Cinder Cone Butte area) was designated on November 9, 1982. The Mountain Home GWMA, located in Elmore and eastern Ada counties, was designated because of declining groundwater levels. The order states that the area is approaching critical, “although there appear to be subareas where new appropriations could be authorized without injuring existing water rights.
The Idaho Department of Water Resources created the Consolidated Hearing area in 2012 as part of a joint hearing to evaluate six pending water right applications for irrigation and planned communities. The Consolidated Hearing area include a portion of the Mountain Home Ground Water Management Area and is located generally west of the Cinder Cone Butte Critical Ground Water Area. The area extends in a southwesterly direction from Elmore County into Ada County. Although this entire area does carry the statutory restrictions of a groundwater management area, it functions in a similar manner with respect to new uses of groundwater.
The Snake River Basin Adjudication (SRBA) defined the water rights within the Snake River Basin, including groundwater rights from the Mountain Home Plateau Aquifer. Following issuance of the SRBA unified decree, the Idaho Department of Water Resources created Water District 161 in 2016 to measure diversions and administer groundwater rights within the aquifer. The Water District now requires measurement and recording of groundwater diversions.
Idaho Department of Water Resources – Water District #161 (Mountain Home Area GW)
There have been a number of investigations and published reports of groundwater conditions within Elmore County.
Summary of Canyon Creek Recharge Project – Spring 2017 (IDWR Open File Report)
2017 – Water Supply Alternatives Study (SPF Water Engineering)
2013 East Ada County Comprehensive Hydrologic Investigation (IDWR Technical Report)
1994 – Summary of Groundwater Conditions in the Mountain Home and Cinder Butte Areas (IDWR Open File Report)
1970 – Groundwater Resources of Southern Ada and Western Elmore County, Idaho (IDWR WIB#15)
1968 – Groundwater Resources of the Mountain Home Area, Elmore County, Idaho (IDWR WIB#4)
South Fork Boise River
Canyon Creek flows onto the Mountain Home Plateau from the Danskin Mountains, north and northwest of Mountain Home, where all flows are typically diverted by the Mountain Home Irrigation District for filling Mountain Home Reservoir and for direct irrigation use.
During times of heavy runoff, typically in February, March, or early April, the creek flow exceeds the capacity of the Irrigation District system and water flows past the diversion eventually reaching the Snake River a few miles upstream of CJ Strike Dam.
For many years, water has been diverted into gravel pits north of I84 near Mountain Home for recharge purposes.
Water infiltrates through the gravel to recharge the aquifer. The capacity of the gravel pit diversion facilities has been a limiting factor.
In the winter of 2018-19, Elmore County improved the recharge diversion facilities using funding from an Idaho Water Resource Board grant.
Three diversions systems are utilized (Ireland, BLM/ITD, and Simplot), each with headgates and measurement weirs.
The County conducts water quality monitoring under an IDEQ-approved monitoring plan.
2017 recharge activities (prior to improvements to diversion systems by the County) are documented in this IDWR Technical Report.
2019 recharge activities (following 2018-19 improvements).
Mountain Home Air Force Base (MHAFB) obtains its water supply from deep wells.
Due to declining aquifer water levels, the Air Force has determined that the water supply is unsustainable and must be replaced for MHAFB to remain viable.
The State of Idaho, in cooperation with the Air Force, is working toward a Snake River supply for the Base. Current plans call for the Idaho Water Resource Board fund and construct a pump station at CJ Strike Reservoir and a pipeline that will extend down Strike Dam Cutoff Road and State Highway.
The Air Force will fund and construct a water treatment plant at MHAFB. The State has purchased senior-priority Snake River water rights that will be modified for municipal use at MHAFB.
On July 23, 2021, the Idaho Water Resource Board voted to formally recognize the Mountain Home Air Force Base water supply project as one of the highest priority water projects in the State of Idaho.
Mountain Home Air Force Base Sustainable Water Supply Project – Idaho Department of Water Resources
The Idaho Water Resource Board and the US Bureau of Reclamation are proposing a joint project to raise Anderson Ranch Dam by approximately 6 feet to create 29,000 feet of additional storage space.
Elmore County is seeking 10,000 acre feet of this space for future use in the vicinity of Mountain Home.
The project is currently undergoing further design work and environmental compliance (NEPA) reviews.
On July 23, 2021, the Idaho Water Resource Board voted to formally recognize the Anderson Dam raise project as one of the highest priority water projects in the State of Idaho. On November 19, 2021, the Board and Reclamation signed a contract governing the completion and funding of the project.
Cost share agreement between the IWRB and BOR.
March 5, 2021 update Boise River Feasibility Study and Anderson Ranch Dam Raise
Elmore County, with cooperation from Mountain Home Irrigation District, is moving ahead with design and permitting of a pump station and pipeline from Anderson Ranch Reservoir to Little Camas Reservoir.
The pump station will divert water authorized under the County’s 200 cfs water right permit 63-34348.
The pump station would also be available to pump stored water from Anderson Ranch Reservoir in the event that county receives storage space from the Anderson Ranch dam raise project.
Water delivered into Little Camas Reservoir can be conveyed through the Mountain Home Irrigation District system to the Mountain Home area for aquifer recharge and supplemental irrigation purposes.
Elmore County holds the following water rights.
61-7731. Water right license 61-7731 authorizes diversion from Canyon Creek of 22.68 cfs and up to 962 acre feet annually for groundwater recharge.
61-12314. Permit 61-12314 authorizes diversion of up to 200 cfs from Canyon Creek for ground water recharge.
63-34348. Permit 63-34348 authorizes diversion of up to 200 cfs from the South Fork Boise River for ground water recharge and supplemental irrigation.
02-10535. Application 02-10535 seeks 20 cfs of Snake River water for municipal and ground water recharge purposes.
Elmore County has petitioned the Idaho Water Resource Board to expand the Treasure Valley Ground-Water Flow Model to include the Mountain Home Plateau Aquifer.
As a result, the Board has requested that Idaho Department of Water Resources staff begin the process of data collection to support the modeling effort and to coordinate with the U.S. Geological Survey. Data collection is expected to take approximately three years, and model development is expected to begin in 2025.
On July 23, 2021, the Idaho Water Resource Board voted to formally recognize the Mountain Home Aquifer water supply as a Tier 2 priority water project within the State of Idaho.
Elmore County Request to Expand the Treasure Valley Groundwater Model to the Moutain Home Plateau
Letters Supporting Elmore County’s Water Development Efforts
A Groundwater-Flow Model for the Treasure Valley and Surrounding Area, Southwestern Idaho
On March 3, 2017, Elmore County filed an application to divert 20 cfs of water from the Snake River. The water would be pumped from the river and piped to the Mountain Home area for groundwater recharge and municipal use and irrigation within the Mountain Home Irrigation District.
All of the formal protests to the application have now been resolved. The application is currently being evaluated by the Idaho Department of Water Resources.
This link also provides a place for public input and inquiry. We encourage everyone to fill out the public comment section.
January 10, 2023
July 21, 2022
July 8, 2021
July 2, 2021
February 17, 2021
April 3, 2019
Apr 2, 2019
Feb. 6, 2019
Anderson Ranch Reservoir