Elmore County Emergency Management Coordinator
Carol Killian
NFPA is excited to announce two free webinars targeted at residents, but available to all, that will share guidance on how to prepare their home to withstand a wildfire and how to prepare their finances to recover from a loss. More information can be found in my latest blog or folks can click on the links below to go directly to the description and registration pages.
State of Idaho Office of Emergency Management (IOEM)
FEMA Publications
IOEM E911 Resource Library
IOEM Preparedness
Elmore County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
AlertSense app
How to Prevent Wild Fires
Idaho Firewise
Wildfire Resource Guide for Individuals
Preparing Makes Sense for People with Disabilities, Others with Access and Functional Needs and the Whole Community
Earthquakes The Federal Emergency Management Agency ranks Idaho fifth highest in the nation for earthquake risk. In the last 50 years Idaho has experienced two of the largest earthquakes in the continental US. Idaho doesn’t have the large population and infrastructure of some states at risk, such as California. However, we do have many citizens who are unaware of the earthquake risk as well as numerous buildings that are unsafe. We can’t predict earthquakes, but by preparing for the consequences we can save lives, reduce injury and property loss.
Floods and Flash Floods On average the South Fork of the Boise River reaches 6140 cubic feet per second (cfs), or flood stage once every 5 years and 7210 cubic feet per second (CFS) one every 10 years. Minor flooding may occur in the area between the Featherville Bridge and Pine Bridge in other years. Due to the many burn scars in Elmore County flash flooding can occur with snow melt Heavy rainfall can also cause flash flooding in the rural areas and flooding in Communities in the county. See NOAA Flood Safety for more information
Thunderstorms and Lightning Thunderstorms, rain, hail, lightening and high winds are events which affect Elmore County. These storms may also cause secondary problems such as loss of utilities, automobile accidents due to road conditions, and flash floods.
Hazardous Materials Accidents Each day hazardous materials are transported through Elmore County either by train or freeway transportation. There are approximately 25 facilities in the County which contain hazardous materials. Hazardous materials, including agricultural chemicals, commonly stored and used in Elmore County.
Wildfires In approximately the last 10 years, Elmore County has had six major wildland fires, These fires have destroyed thousands of acres of forest and rangelands. One of these fires came very close to the city of Mountain Home. Homeowners are encouraged to have defensible space around their homes to deter fire.
Children and Disasters Children depend on daily routines. When emergencies interrupt the routine, they may become anxious and look to adults for help. How an adult reacts to an emergency can give children the stability needed to cope during the event. Controlling the situation and your response may have a lasting impact.
Find Out What Could Happen to You
County on the first page).
Create a Disaster Plan
easier to call long distance. Family member should call this person and tell them their location. Everyone must know your contact’s information.
Put Your Plan into Action
Practice and Maintain Your Plan
In a disaster ordinary items in the home can cause injury and damages. Anything that can move, fall, break or cause a fire is a potential hazard. For example, a hot water heater or a bookshelf can fall. Inspect your home at least once a year and fix potential hazards.
EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY IF TOLD TO DO SO. Take your Disaster Supplies Kit. Listen to the radio for emergency instructions. Wear protective clothing and sturdy shoes. Make sure to lock you home and use travel routes specified by the authorities. Don’t use shortcuts or break barricades.
If instructed to do so, and you have time, shut off water, gas and electricity. Let others know when you left and where you’re going. Make arrangements for pets. Animals may not be allowed in public shelters.
Children are most afraid that:
Having Children participate in family preparedness activities will build their confidence and help them feel their life will return to “normal”.
Teach children how to recognize danger signals. Teach them what smoke detectors and fire alarms sound like. Explain how and when to call for help. Post emergency phone numbers and teach children how and when to call 911. Help your children to memorize important family information. They should know their family name, address, phone number and where to meet in case of an emergency. If they are too young, they should carry a small card to give to an adult that lists emergency information.
Following a disaster, check for damaged wiring in your home. Look for sparks or the smell of hot or burning insulation. If damaged shut off the power at the circuit breaker or fuse box. Outside, consider all downed power lines as live. Do not touch downed lines or attempt to move any object in contact with them. Report any broken or damaged lines or poles.
If an emergency occurs and you not smell or hear escaping gas, you probably do not need to shut off your gas, which would deprive you of the service unnecessarily. If you do smell gas turn off the meter as follows:
After a disaster water supplies may be cut off or contaminated. See disaster supply kit for ways to store water before a disaster ensuring a water supply when a disaster occurs.
There are six basics you should stock in your home: water, food, first aid supplies, clothing and bedding, tools and emergency supplies and special items. Keep these items in an easy to carry container. Possible containers include: covered trash, container, backpack or suitcase.
See Fema.gov Emergency supply list
Store water in containers which are UV-resistant, food grade plastic containers or in metallized bags. The safest containers are polyethylene-based plastics. Normally an active person needs to drink at least 2 quarts of water a day. Water can be frozen in plastic containers.
For Baby
For Adults
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