The Elmore County Noxious Weed Control office can assist in the identification and development of an integrated weed management program which includes the mechanical, cultural, biological and herbicide control for landowners and other agencies within Elmore County. The goal of our program is to control noxious weeds that replace native vegetation, reduce agricultural productivity, cause wind and water erosion, and pose an increased threat to communities from wildfire. We do this by preventing the introduction of new invasive species; eradicating species with isolated or limited populations; and managing those invasive species that are well-established.
To accomplish these goals the program coordinates the efforts of local, state and federal noxious weed managers; provides funding for local entities to carry out on-the-ground weed management projects; conducts education and outreach activities; supports similar local activities; and maintains close contact with neighboring states and counties to prevent the intra & interstate spread of noxious weeds.
We are here to help you! If you have questions or require assistance from our noxious weed department; please use our contact form or contact our office directly.
Elmore County Weed Superintendent
Cell: (208) 590-0934
Office: (208) 587-2154
Noxious Weed Control
2257 E 8TH N
Mountain Home, ID 83647
Elmore County is home to 26 state-designated noxious weeds. The following five noxious weeds are just a few found in Elmore County.
There are different categories of control for each noxious weed as stipulated in the Idaho Administrative Procedures Act 02, title 06, chapter 22, “Noxious Weed Rules”. The categories affect how each weed is managed.
Statewide Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) – plants in this category must be reported to the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) within 10 days after being identified by the University of Idaho or by another qualified authority approved by the ISDA director. Eradication of these weeds must begin in the same season they are found.
Statewide Control – plants in this list may already exist in some parts of the state. In some areas of the state control or eradication is possible and a plan must be written that will reduce infestations within five (5) years.
Statewide Containment – plants in this category exist in the state. New or small infestations can be reduced or eliminated, while established populations may be managed as determined by the weed control authority, which is usually the county weed program.
Noxious weeds found in Elmore County
Invasive Species of Idaho
Idaho Weed Awareness
Herbicide Resistance Action Committee
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